Greenville and Kinston Youth Enrichment Projects
The mission of YWOP’s Youth Enrichment Projects is to inspire and empower youth in grades K-12 with a passion for learning. Our programs allow youth to pursue their dreams confidently and creatively while developing academic, leadership and service learning skills that will allow them to be successful in life.
Our Youth Enrichment Projects provide a structured enrichment, offer positive alternatives to high risk behavior, and encourage positive youth development and academic achievement.
Our programs include A Promise to Read youth literacy initiative which provides free book distribution to youth in our programs; Camp Promise summer enrichment programs; Planting Seeds of Promise youth gardening and wellness; Saturday Leadership and Service Academy and Teens and Kids Who Care service learning program for youth (male and female) in grades K-12. Our Project Promise Mentoring Alliance is our youth development and college access program.
Since 2001, Young Women of Promise has provided supportive services to youth who live in Lenoir, Pitt, Greene, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg counties in North Carolina.