A'Niyah Grant
South Central High School - Winterville, NC
La"neika & Shon Bruinton
College Aspirations:
Estimated number of service hours:
Summary of volunteer and schools activities
What motivates you to serve:
How has your work touched the lives of youth and others in your community or school
Do you have a personal motto or bible verse that guides your life
Describe your family
What advice would you offer to other youth wanting to serve
South Central High School - Winterville, NC
La"neika & Shon Bruinton
College Aspirations:
- I am unsure as to where I would like to attend college at this time, but have been accepted to several HBCU’s. My career path is geared toward working in psychology and forensic science in order to become a criminal profiler. I plan to attend a 4 year college for my bachelors and then further my education with a masters degree in my major. I also desire to minor in business to obtain a degree so that I may one day own my own business which will allow me to do more within the community.
Estimated number of service hours:
- Over 250 hours between school and clubs that I participate in.
Summary of volunteer and schools activities
- Boys & Girls Club- Keystone Club (President)
- FBLA- Winterville Food Bank
- National Honors Society- Child Care, Clean up, schools events, etc.
- Yearbook staff- Co Editor in chief
- Marching Band- Color guard
What motivates you to serve:
- My family motivates me to serve. Growing up, most of my family worked in the helping profession. Due to that, I saw giving back throughout my life starting at a very young age. Through their influence I fell in love with serving my community, because making a difference is important to me. Being able to join clubs and organizations in my community has allowed me to see many aspects of how I can serve and assist in the many cries of help that I see. I have learned that there is so much that can be done if we just come together as one. I want to be able to make a great impact and real change.
How has your work touched the lives of youth and others in your community or school
- I have seen great impact in programs that I have implemented especially at my local boys and girls club. I have worked with youth whom especially during the pandemic felt as if they had no one to talk to. Many expressed feeling like they had no one fighting for them to succeed, and needed a safe space to express and work through those emotions. We created a safe space allowing them to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow in the end. I feel like my impact has created upcoming leaders and scholars in my community. In addition, I also created a cheer squad that further assisted in providing an outlet for self expression and creativity.
Do you have a personal motto or bible verse that guides your life
- “Every day the sun don’t shine, but that’s why I love tomorrow”
- Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35 NLT)
Describe your family
- I come from a blended family with many personalities and strengths. My family is made up of educated individuals, entrepreneurs, hard workers, goal setters and leaders. They are also loving, caring, understanding, givers and honestly the funniest people I have ever met!! They support me in all my decisions and help me better understand the rights and wrongs of life. As my aunt would say, “this mess ain’t no joke” meaning life comes with it’s challenges. I am glad to have my family and would not trade them for the world! :)
What advice would you offer to other youth wanting to serve
- GO FOR IT!! Community service gives you a joy you never knew you needed. The smile on people’s face and the support you will get from your peers makes everything worth it.
- Do as much as you can! You don’t have to be Mr Beast to give back to the community. You can give small things like canned goods to the food bank or something that most of us have a lot of which is time. Volunteering at the food bank, homeless shelter, or even at school is still supporting your community. A little goes a long way!