Our Teens and Kids Who Care program provides recognition and mini-grants to local youth to perform youth-led service projects in the community.
We will recognize outstanding youth service at the 2023 MLK Day of Service celebration on January 16, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at Temple of Zion International Ministries located at 1012 Dickinson Avenue, Greenville, NC.
Teens and Kids Who Care nominees are:
- Janae Brown, Kinston High School (Lenoir County)
- A’Niyah Grant, South Central High School (Pitt County)
- Courtney Murphy, Farmville Central High
- School (Pitt County)
- Y’Anna Rivers, Warsaw Elementary School (Duplin County)
- Jasmine and Jaleah Taylor, Kinston High School (Lenoir County)
- Dillon Ward and Franklin Ward, South Central High School (Pitt County)
- Derrian Wilson, Kinston High School (Lenoir County)
- and
- AMEXCAN at PCC, Pitt County Early College