Name of Organization:
Achievers Academies of NC, Inc.
Estimate of Number of
Volunteer Hours for 2023: 720 hours
Summary of organization’s accomplishments
This year has been a great year of genesis for AANCI. Since April of 2023, we have
incorporated, received our 501(c)(3) non-profit status, successfully ran our initial
summer program with 14 youth, and reached a current census of 26 youth. We
recently were approved for a Walmart grant in the amount of $1000 and are in
consideration for a grant from United Way. Also, we are currently in talks with two
townships in Lenoir County to start programs this coming Spring 2024.
Year founded: 2023
Describe your agency’s work:
Achievers Academies of NC, Inc. is a 501(c)3
nonprofit organization whose mission is to
provide summer and after-school
enrichment programming for the youth and
teens of NC to ensure ACHIEVEMENT
academically, intellectually, socially,
physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We
empower local youth by offering a safe and
nurturing environment where they can
enhance their educational experience,
develop life skills, and build character.
What motivates you to serve?
LOVE is my motivation. I taught in the public
school system for 3 years. During that time I
realized that our youth are facing many
challenges in the home and community
before they get to school which make
learning difficult. This led me to leave
education and to go into mental health
support services. I am committed to
alleviating the barriers to learning that
many of our youth experience and to level
the playing field. There should not be
disparities in achievement due to economic
status or race. I truly believe that every child
can ACHIEVE if given the proper support.
How has your work touched the lives of
youth and others in your community
I know that the work we are doing is
touching lives because of the smiles on our
children’s faces. So many days they do not
want to leave the program. The parents
report that they want to make sure they are
getting to the program as often as possible.
And now, we are starting to get reports
from teachers that students are doing
better in their classes because of the
services we provide.
Do you have a personal motto or Bible verse
that guides your life?
“Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.”
Describe your family: (spouse, children, etc.)
I am a single father with two adult children,
Paul Jr and Richard. I have two
grandchildren, Landon and Nairobi.
What advice would you offer to others
wanting to serve?
Develop a team of like-minded individuals,
trust each other and benefit from
collaborations with others in the
community. We can do better together.