Camp Promise for Girls held July 22-27, 2013

Young Women of Promise sponsored Camp Promise 2013 for Girls was held July 22-27, 2013 at Queen Street United Methodist Church. The summer enrichment program included
- Junior Achievement Economics for Success presented by Jacinta Frank
- Let Them See What They Can Be role model panels featuring Janet Sutton Carter, photographer with Kinston Free Press; Katherine Whitfield: news anchor and reporter with TACC9; Wanda Hall, Executive Director of the GATE; and Jeanine McBride with Lenoir County GEAR UP Program.
- Arts and Crafts with Rebecca Harrison Smith
- Zumba with Tekeema Blackwell Parson
- Free book donations
- Healthy Lunches and Snacks
- Field trip to Charlotte, NC to visit the Charlotte Observer newspaper and Discovery Place Museum
- Pizza and Pool Party and Overnight stay at Embassy Suites Hotel
Funding support for Camp Promise included a $1,500 grant from the Kinston Rotary Club. The end-of-camp field trip included funding from the Partnership for Children of Lenoir and Greene Counties and McDonalds' Children's Charities.
Self-Help Credit Union presented the 32 Camp Promise participants with a backpack filled with office supplies.
Camp Promise participants also received a One Day Pass from Kinston Parks and Recreation to the Lions Adventure Park at the Woodmen of the World Community Center.